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Social Impact

Social impact has many definitions but can be defined as the positive effect of an activity on a community and the well-being of individuals and families to achieve social good.  


A 2013 CDC report, Health Disparities, and Inequalities found that women and almost all minority groups were more likely to report poor health.Selfish for Your Health focus is to reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes for the most vulnerable. Selfish for your health believes in becoming part of the SOLUTION through community and minority health empowerment by creating long term behavior and lifestyle change to positively affect communities of color to close those health gaps and reduce inequalities through our social impact initiatives.

Community Garden

Bridge the Gap: Health and Wellness Provider Directory:

It’s vital to partner with like-minded business who believes in our mission, vision, and goals to improve health outcomes for women and especially women of color. We are continually seeking new partnership to host on our site and who represent one of the eight dimensions of wellness to help our clients achieve “whole health” and to connect our clients with the additional health and wellness services they need to overcome the social determinants of health and increase access to care and services to achieve healing and whole health. We cannot do this without YOU as it takes an entire village to bridge the gap. 

Be the Change. Help us close the gaps and make healthcare more accessible. Join our Wellness Provider Directory list. Select the button below to become a prospective partner.

Selfish for Your Health Women of color Wellness Scholarship program:

The Office of Women’s Health reports that About 4 in 5 black or African American women are overweight or obesity. More than 3 in 4 Hispanic or Latina women have overweight or obesity. Our program provides women of color opportunities to apply for our scholarship for those at risk and who cannot afford our services that are the most vulnerable for health risk.

Women Who Run
Young Businesswomen

Love Thy Neighbor Community Outreach

Selfish for your health prides itself on giving back and sharing our gifts and knowledge with the community through local workshops, community events, and conferences.

Selfish for Your Health: Minority Health, Fitness, and Wellness Training scholarship program

There is a lack of representation of minority women within the wellness industry. SFYH wants to increase that number by helping women who complete and accomplish their goals in our programming by encouraging them to leap forward to become a professional trained certified health, fitness, or wellness leader through our program. 


Our goal inspires women to continue their healthy lifestyle habits, maintain health status, and increase community wellness while becoming the next leader and change agent within their community.


Minority women who complete and reach their goals and full program through SFYH will have an opportunity to qualify for this program to help guide our sisters in their maintenance phase, continue their lifestyle change and give back and inspire other women and communities of color by sharing their knowledge creating long-term change.

Women Colleagues
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